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Tema: ACDSee V 7.0 PowerPAck + MEDICINA [MEGA]

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    Administrador Avatar de Lagartoman
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    Pro003 ACDSee V 7.0 PowerPAck + MEDICINA [MEGA]

    ACDSee V 7.0 PowerPack + MEDICINA, sin pass ni cosas raras

    ACDSee - the most powerful photo manager around is now even faster. Way faster. No other photo software saves you so much time. Enjoy the freedom to find, organize and edit your photos faster, easier and with better results than ever before. Instantly share your pictures online or on your cell phone. Create quality prints or Flash and PDF slideshows.

    It's hard to believe that managing digital images can be so quick and easy, but with ACDSee, it is. As a media browser for your Windows® folder system, ACDSee's superfast navigation pane lets you browse and view your picture collections right away. Compare multiple images side-by-side. Save time and select photo files by criteria. Or see all your images at once. ACDSee digital photo software supports over 50 popular photo and multimedia formats.

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    Última edición por Lagartoman; 25/12/2023 a las 15:22

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